
Here lie the whims and curiosities of a girl madly in love with anything vintage. I’m a piano & swing dance teacher, studier of Naturopathy, singer on the streets, and VW Van obsessie. I adore shoes that resemble the 40′s or 50′s, am a nerd for anything that has to do with Zelda, TMNT, and Doctor Who, and I love coffee shops (although not coffee very much).

I’m usually a bit shy about what exactly I think and believe, but this blog has helped me grow out of the shyness. I started this blog to share my experiences and thoughts so that others may be encouraged, in some way, from them. Thank you so much for stopping by and listening! 🙂

3 thoughts on “About

  1. I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award, which I hope you’ll accept and enjoy! The rules can be found on my page. Congratulations! (:

    Have a lovely day!

  2. Whoa so I feel like if we ever met we would be best friends! Haha I was also very sheltered and didn’t know much until college (hence my blog title). My favorite word is lovely, sometimes I wish we could dress like the 40’s and 50’s, and I am crazy about Tazo Awake tea. Needless to say, your blog is lovely and I’m glad we came across each other. 🙂

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